What an opportunity we have through HELP to spread the good news! It is seen through volunteers who spread kindness, exude joy, offer a listening ear and empathy, offer a prayer or prayer shawl, witness their story, and treat others with respect and love. But did you know how far that service reaches out to others?

Isaiah 52:7 (NIV) How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion “Your
God reigns!”

Although the year is not done yet, HELP is setting records once again with its outreach. More items have been loaned, we have already exceeded last years bed loans, and we are on par to assist more families. Here is how your support of this mission work has been distributed to reach MANY outside of Churchville who may not have received help otherwise.


I’m sure you are wondering how we reach those from other states. One I remember from Colorado was moving her mother to a local assisted living facility. The one from North Carolina got hurt here while visiting a friend and stayed until they were back on their feet to go back home. That one was so impressed with the facility, he wanted to start one where he lives.

One story this segment came from an outpatient physical therapist. She said, “yesterday I took the standing frame that was in the bed storage building. This gentleman was in a terrible car accident and is paralyzed.” She received a message from them that said “Thank you again for bringing the standing frame. It was fabulous! He stood today and played with his kids. They had not seen him stand since his injury” What a wonderful gift that shows the blessings our clients receive thanks to the volunteers, support and connections we have.

The Women’s LIFT Conference was Inspirational and wonderful.  Not only did we have many come up to us and tell us how the facility helped them or their family, they shared money from their raffle, we received several donations from church groups that attended, and have a new volunteer as a result. Welcome Beverly Cox!

We also thank Weatherman Collins for repairing the low spots on our blacktop to allow better safety for our clients.  Another good bit of news was the receipt of a grant from Shenandoah Valley Electric Co-op to purchase a trailer to transport items needing recycled.

Lastly, we’ve been challenged with some big bills lately; yearly insurance, real estate taxes, yearly website fee, Hub scrub repairs, tax preparation fees, Printer issues etc. Just as always, God surprised us with several substantial checks for giving Tuesday, Geneva Smith memorial donations, some donations in honor of Pat Clatterbaugh and Sandi Clevland’s Volunteer service, church contributions,  and an incredible WOW moment to cover those and additional expenses. A client who has loaned equipment several times handed the volunteers working one night a magnanimous $10,000.00 check! God NEVER disappoints, He is so good!

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and anticipate good things for the New Year.

We look forward to what challenges the new year brings and pray the mission continues to serve and grow as God leads. Thank you all! Regina & Stefanie