A volunteer that was recently working on a Saturday said to me “I can’t wait to go to heaven to see all of the people that have been blessed by this work”. Her passion was evident and reminded me of the verse we have been studying on Sundays. Romans 8:28- And we know that in all things God works for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose. 

Some recent events over the last 2 months reminded us how God is truly working and taking care of us just as the verse says.

First, we got a call about wanting to fill a shipping container with medical supplies to help the war-stricken area of Ukraine. It was perfect timing as we needed to clean out the Lions club trailer for the upcoming bed storage building. We were able to send many Bedside Commodes, crutches, walkers, oxygen tank dollies, Iv Poles, Wheelchairs, an Oxygen concentrator and over 160 pounds of disposable items such as O2 tubing, briefs, dressing & catheter supplies etc. The Ukrainian American gentleman who helped pick up the items was very impressed with the facility and so thankful. He had many stories of what was going on in Ukraine and how he felt all of the items would help them immensely.

After cleaning it out, we were asked by several local groups who needed walkers as there was a national supply shortage. We had just diminished our supply but within a week we had more than enough to share with those who needed more and the supply continues to grow. In fact, our inventory has grown 1427% as we have inventoried over 7500 pieces of medical equipment since opening. Then, within 2 days of the Lions Club trailer being moved, we received that we will be receiving
$7500.00 toward building a storage building in the back for beds and large items. Betty Gruber wrote a grant requesting help with the expenses of that project which will allow us to have everything at the facility once it is all completed and free up the Mullinax house that the Loch Willow has so generously allowed us to use. We will keep you informed as to the progress of that.

Several procedural changes have been very beneficial for our clients and volunteers. We have reduced inventory paperwork from 3 books down to one making it much easier to volunteer and work at the
facility. We want to Welcome Dickie Thacker and Pam Kisamore, and Madison Long to our list of volunteers. We have also reopened our doors to the public post Covid restrictions. It is wonderful seeing the amazement of people who come in and see the volume and variety of items available and how they
connect with and support someone else who may be struggling through recent medical struggles.

Thank you for your continued support and remember:
God is good all the time and all the time God is Good!
Regina & Stefanie